Re: Fontself's submission feature
I’d expect MyFonts to add Fontself to the list of explicitly disapproved tools soon, see ➋: https://foundry.myfonts.com/prospectus/#submission-guidelines2 -
Re: Font without a counter-/counting pixel
This sounds as if it is not about type design/font engineering, but rather about webfont hosting. Some providers require a counting mechanism (typically a script rather than a pixel*), to keep track …4 -
Re: Petite Caps, anyone?
Smaller, according to the specs: https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/features_pt.htm1 -
Re: Super Grotesk scans
Hi Thierry, I could offer a plain glyph set if that is enough for your purposes. For images from a proper specimen, ask Jan Middendorp – he posted some scans to Flickr once. Alternatively, ask Ralf H…4 -
Re: What character set do you usually reach for as a default when you start a new font?
Vietnamese ≠ Vietnam. To quote myself from a previous thread:5